Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 2008 Newsletter

Hi Rovers!

I can’t believe it’s spring already, or is it??? Not only are we wrapping up 2008 but we have already started preparing for the 2009 and we need to bring everyone up to speed with a few small issues while we still have contact with everyone.

Awards Day 13th September 2008 – Bring and Braai
We will be having our annual awards day at the Reitvlie farm in Swartkoppies Street on Saturday the 13th September. The day will be a very informal event. The braai’s will be lit at 12:00pm and prize giving will start at 12:30pm. We expect to finish around 3pm. If you cannot stay for the braai, please come for prize giving. This will be the awards day for ALL TEAMS so please make an extra effort to be there. There is an entrance fee payable to the Rietvlie Farm. Kids U/12 R10 and all others, including adults R15.
Here is a list of what you need to bring:

· Meat
· Blanket/chairs to sit on
· A salad (To share)
· Drinks
Please don’t just drop your boy’s off. They have worked hard this season and I know they would love for you to be there to support them!

2009 Player Registration
We have started to send out the application forms for the 2009 season. This is done to avoid the rush that took place earlier this year. Please note that we have implemented a R150-00 early registration fee and R200 for registration after the 31st March 2008, to cover the ELFA registration of players. This is non-refundable. We also have a new registration form where we require new information, ALL players are to please submit a new form and supply 2 new ID photos for your player cards. If a player has not been registered before we will also need a copy of their birth certificate.

The club registrar needs to fill in an ELFA document for each player before we submit the registration. To assist in lightening the workload registration forms and registration fees for 2009 can be returned to your coach/manager from today onward.

Click on the link bellow to download the registration form

Top Soil – needed
We need to top soil all our fields in November. If we don’t I am concerned that they will not last the 2009 season. If there is anyone who can assist us with this please contact me.

2009 Subs
We have done our calculations for 2009 and unfortunately have no choice but to increase the subs. This is to cover an increase in ELFA registration fee, increase in rent, increase in maintenance costs etc. etc. Please understand that the club has to pay costs for a full year not just the playing season. Please also remember this must be one of the cheapest forms of activity for your kids. Where else will you find 8 months of fun for as little as R550?? We will still offer discount if subs are paid in advance.

The subs will be structured as follows:
· 2009 Non refundable registration fee: R150-00 Payable before 31st March 2009.
· Subs Paid before 31st March 2009: R400-00
· 2009 Non refundable registration fee: R200-00 after 31st March 2009.
· Subs paid after 31st March 2009: R450-00

Unfortunately going forward we will enforce a “No Pay – No Play” rule.

Coaches and Managers for 2009 Season
We are looking for coaches and managers for the 2009 season. Calling all Dads, granddads, MOMS, older brothers, Uncles, cousins, WHOEVER who is willing to make the commitment to coach one of our teams for 2009 please talk to me. If you are worried about your abilities, we will be running workshops again to ensure that all our coaches are trained. If are keen and want to find out more please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact details are below. From the feedback I have and what we have planned, we are going to have more teams in 2009 than we have coaches for!!!!!!!!

Referee’s for 2009
As a club we are always in need of referees on Saturday and going forward Sundays too. If you would like to attend a course to become a referee please talk to me. This has been an issue at the beginning of our 2009 season when we try arrange a number of home games to run at the same time. Unfortunately all referees must attend an ELFA course and get “carded”. This is to maintain a standard of refereeing; it also gives the ELFA some control should an issue arise during the season. This is a fantastic way to be involved in the club as referees are scheduled to ref and therefore do not need to avail themselves every weekend. AGAIN MOMS ARE WELCOME TOO!!

Final Meeting 18th September 2008.
We will have our final AGM on Thursday the 18th September 2008 at Impact Tutorial Center on the cnr. of De Vaal and Vaal str @ 6:00pm sharp. Here we will wrap up the year with a financial report back and the election of a committee to take us into 2009 PREPARED!!! Everyone is welcome. If you would like to get involved in the club in anyway this is your opportunity to put your hand up. Those of you have attended our meetings in the past you will know the meetings last only 1 hour. See you there!!!

Rules & Code of Conduct
We have drafted a set of rules and a code of conduct we at Rovers subscribe to. I need to clarify our intention with this.

We HAVE NOT had any incidence that relate to behavior problems or conduct of players, parents or coaches over the past year. Thank you all for that!

The rules and conditions may seem as though we are “clamping down” or trying to take the fun out of what we are here for, this is certainly not the case. As you read through them you will clearly see our intentions. Going forward I am sure that we all want to be associated to a club that not only performs on the field but off the field too. Our aim at Rovers FC is to teach our players to play the game properly, sportsmanship is part of this, as is ensuring a high set of behavioral standards on and off the field. It is not only important for us as Rovers to outline what is expected of parents, spectators and players, but it is also important for you as a player/parent to know what is expected of us, the club administrators, the coaches, the managers too. As we move forward and grow we need to tell new members of the family what is expected of them. Please adopt this code as part of the reason you want to be associated with Rovers FC!

2009 Season Starts
We will break after the last game on the 6th September 2008. Pre-season training will start on the 2nd February 2009. Please do not wait for an announcement to appear in the newspaper as I have come to learn that Rovers results and information very rarely finds it’s way to print. We have had a few requests for teams that want to continue training through the break. My only concern with is that the fields need a chance to recover from the heavy season. Should your team wish to continue please talk to me before you simply go ahead so that we can see what other arrangements we can make.

Well that’s all for now. Good luck to our boys for their last few games. Remember once the whistle blows, it’s up to you to make it happen.

Keep Kickin’,
Glenn Du Toit
Rovers Chairman


...vs Olympia.


Bocksburg 2 x 1 Rovers U/11

With only 10 players and no subs. We had a tough game but the boys did not give up.
With a loss of 2x1 the boys played a good match.
The boys come in strong in the first half when Devon scored our goal. Well done Devon.
Midfielder’s great play, you kept the gaps closed!
The man of the match goes to Tristan, well done, good game, you kept the defense strong, communicating with the players and not allowing the opposition through.
Clearing the ball to the other half, well done.
Our next game: Birch Arches vs. Rovers U/11
Time: 9:30AM
Date: 30 August 2008
Local: Birch Arches Field
Have a blessed week.
Team Manager.


General Rules of Rovers Football Club

Code of Conduct:

1. To provide a structured facility that promotes a positive environment for players, parents, coaches and managers to enjoy the game of football.
2. To protect the players from related forms of abuse from other players, opponents, coaches, parents and spectators.
3. To provide be affiliated to a regional SAFA accredited body.
4. To provide players with the necessary equipment to play football i.e. a field, playing kit - shirts and pants and soccer ball’s.
5. To provide skills training for coaches to enhance player performance.

1. To be a diligent and positive instructor who constantly keeps up to date with the latest coaching practices to ensure the development of players.
2. To contribute to the physical, mental growth of the player.
3. To be a role model for the players.
4. To respect the referees, officials, players and spectators of Rovers FC and opposing clubs.
5. To ensure that demands on players time, energy and enthusiasms are reasonable
6. To be conversant with the laws of the game and observe its integrity
7. To give all players and equal opportunity.
8. To care for equipment, kit and facilities.
9. To maintain a level of discipline and professionalism in all activities associated with Rovers FC.

1. Play within the laws of the game.
2. Never question or argue with a referee.
3. Exercise control over tempers, emotions and actions towards other players, officials and spectators.
4. Give only your best in all aspect aspects of football.
5. Co-operate with your coaches and managers.
6. Understand that training is just as important as playing.

1. Understand that children / players participate in football for their enjoyment and not yours.
2. Always encourage children to participate.
3. Encourage children to play within the laws of the game.
4. Always lead by example.
5. Learn the laws of the game.
6. Appreciate and respect the managers and coaches.
7. Respect referees, officials, players and spectators.
8. Report injuries, illness or medical issues that may require treatment to the coach, such as asthma.
9. Send your child ready to play with the correct attire for the training or matches.

1. Understand that children / players participate for their enjoyment and benefit and not yours.
2. Recognise and applaud good performance.
3. Always be supportive and encourage player to do their best.
4. Do not ridicule players.
5. Be positive and constructive with comments towards players and coaches.
6. Show discipline and respect for officials, players, referees and other spectators.
7. Do not use foul language.
8. Understand the laws of the game.


Rovers U/11 vs. Birch Arches

This saturday, Rovers FC U/11 will be playing against Birch Arches.
Game will kick-off at 9:30AM.
Photos and feedback from the match are welcome from everyone.
Go Rovers!


Rovers Football Club Code of Conduct

Rovers Football Club has set out a code of conduct for all members of the Rovers family. It is essential that all players, parents, coaches and managers subscribe to said rules and code to ensure a successful club. Rovers FC was established to provide a facility where players and parents can get together and have fun. However we still need to set out levels and standards that we as a Rovers family subscribe to.

General Rules of Rovers Football Club

1. Rovers Football Club is managed through an elected committee of volunteers.
2. Decisions relating to the management of Rovers FC are made by said committee.
3. All coaches at Rovers FC coach on a voluntary basis.
4. The management of team issues, such as player selection, player positional play, and disciplinary action within the team context is the sole responsibility of the coach and manager of the team. At no point will parental interference be entertained.
5. Players brought to the club for training or matches are not to be left unaccompanied.

6. Where the parent or guardian is unable to accompany the player arrangements must be made with a team coach, manager or committee member to supervise the player until such time that they are collected.
7. NO PLAYER will be permitted to wait after a game or training without adult supervision. Parents are to ensure that players are collected straight after practice.
8. Should players have been left to wait to be collected and there is no adult supervision available, the player will be dropped off at the Letaba Police station (+- 500m from the gate in Letaba Str.) to be supervised until such time that the child is collected.
9. Players will not be permitted to walk home after an evening training session or game.
10. Parents and players are to respect the decisions taken by coaches and managers. Should a dispute arise relating to coaches or managers, parents and players are to address their concerns with the chairperson of Rovers FC. The chairperson will then deal with the issue within the confines of the club and committee.

11. Coaches reserve the right to enforce disciplines such as attendance, tardiness, conduct and sportsmanship.
12. Coaches, players, parents or spectators who conduct themselves in an inappropriate manner will be asked to leave the sporting grounds, whether the ground is at home or away.
13. Rovers FC subscribes to the football rules laid out by FIFA and the local body SAFA.
14. Rovers FC is affiliated to SAFA through the ELFA and thus subscribes to the SAFA and ELFA code of conduct.
15. Rovers FC will abide by any ruling passed down by the ELFA.

16. Swearing on the sidelines or directing verbal abuse at players, coaches referees are NOT PERMITTED at ANY game where Rovers is represented.
17. Alcohol is NOT PERMITTED at ANY game where Rovers is represented.
18. Any player, parent, spectator or coach who is involved in any physical altercation will called to account for their action through an internal disciplinary process.
19. Members of the Rovers FC have a responsibility to uphold the rules of the club and the code of conduct attached to these set rules.
20. Rovers FC will endeavour to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for players and spectators alike. To fulfil this it is essential that the club has the full support of the players, parents, coaches and committee alike.

21. Parents are requested not to embarrass their children.



Registrations are open for 2009 season

Registrations are opened for 2009 season.
Download your registration form and submit.

To download the form, please click in the headline above.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What a game!!

Archive photo: The Mighty U/8 Team

Last Saturday the U/8’s took on Old Bens at their home ground (Benoni). Coach Mart started with his SUPA-SUBS (our junior boys) to see how they would cope. Unfortunately we slipped 2:0 down in the first 10 minutes of play, but Coach Mart continued to show faith in his boys by keeping them on the field for a while longer. All the while our spectators bit their nails down to the bone!! Well done Chad & Ethan on your 100% effort!!

Coach Mart then subbed the seniors in and the team ignited and evened the score in the next 7 minutes by smashing in 2 goals! The field was on fire & the team played as though they were avenging our Supa-Subs who were cheering their team on from the side line.

This was the most impressive performance the U/8’s have displayed so far! Both teams played as though they had shifted 2 divisions up, resulting in an electric & tense atmosphere & a fantastic match of junior soccer. Special mention must go to Dean who really rose to the occasion! Broden, Cameron, Jordan, Alldair, Brendon, Kamo, Blane, & Matt well done! You all played like champions! (Unfortunately Angus was ill and could not make the game). Final score 2:2.

The U/8’s have made an impressive turn around from winning only 1 match last year to currently in the top 3 of the same division this year. Special thanks to Coach Mart for all his hard work and commitment to the team.

Our next game is at Home against Olympia on Saturday 30th August 2008, kick off is at 09h30.


U/11 Drew with Alberton

We drew 2 all to Alberton.
Once again well done boys, its great to see an improvement.
Well-done Joshua, our midfielder scored the two goals, you made us proud, keep up the good sportsmanship.
The man of the match goes to Jardel, as he had a brilliant game, allways communicating to his defenders.
Jardel is standing in as goalkeeper as Slade has an injury; we wish Slade a speedy recovery.

Its good to see the players communicating with one another as it is very important for the team play.

Our next game will be against Bocksburg on the 23rd of august, 8:30am.
Have a blessed week
Team Manager


Photo Galery

Pics from 09/08/2008


Next Fixture for Rovers FC U/11


Friday, August 15, 2008

Words from the Chairman

On Saturday the 9th August we were fortunate to have all our teams playing at home.

The day started with the U/12’s and U/8 kicking off early.

With pressure mounting on the U/12 team who have been struggling to record a win for sometime now the home ground advantage was just what they needed. Cheered on by parents and the U/11 team they played like the superstars they are and beat Alberton 2-1. Coach Jason had a few tense moments but it does need to be said that the 2-1 score was not a true reflection on the game. Our boys had plenty opportunities to thump more goals home. They were all over Alberton. Well Done boys – YOU MADE IT HAPPEN!!!!

The U/8 continued to improve and have become a team to watch going forward. As the game progressed Benoni Northers were not going to make it easy for them. The boys showed their strength in character as Benoni kept coming back at them. The Rovers boys didn’t let up with continual pressure and eventually what can be described as the goal of the day when Matthew Royal had a crack at goals from 25m away and as they say in the classics LAADDDDUUUUUMMMMMAAAAAA!!!!! The U/8 sealed it pushing the score to 4-2 and putting it out of reach for Benoni Northern’s boys! At this rate the U/8 team will be pushing to move up to Division 1 next year.

The U/11’s took on the might of Scaw Metals from Germiston. The Scaw boys came into the game undefeated and in their last encounter thrashed Rovers 7-0. With the heavy load of the previous encounter to carry the boys went in with one thing in mind, revenge!! WHAT A GAME!!! The game was tense to say the least, Scaw managed to get one past our keeper, 1-0 to Scaw. Then after what can only be described as “Nuclear” pressure our boys equalized. The score stayed 1-1 up until the last few minutes when the Scaw strikers made a break and slotted the winning goal. The boys didn’t give up and kept the pressure on inspiring the U/7 & U/8 who had gathered on the side to shout for Rovers. As I said What a game! The boys were unfortunate not to equalize in the end, but it needs to be said, well done Scaw!

Our youngest team the U/7’s continued their undefeated season beating Alberton 3-1. The boys started the game in a manner that has been signature of this team for the past 2 seasons, Attack! Attack! Attack! This resulted in the first goal coming early in the game. The mid field has started gelling nicely with the strikers and pushed the ball through for what became the second goal. There was a lot of pressure in the second half and Alberton did not make it easy when the scored to put the score at 2-1. Later in the half the boys again showed what they were made of and hammered home the winner sealing the score at 3-1. WELL DONE BOYS. 3 games left and still UNDEFEATED!!!!!

Thank you to all who supported us on the day. We will continue to make the game as fun as we can.



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Next Fixture Old Bens


This is the next game for the u/8 team.
This saturday will play against Old Bens away..


Rovers FC u/11


Words from Rovers U/11 Team Management

News on the game for the under 11 Div 2
Played on the 9 August 2008

Rovers vs Scaw

The team played like champs congradulation is in order
The last game we played scaw we Rovers F.C lost 9 nil to them
This weekend we lost 2 1 that shows you the boys have improved on there ball skills and ball control
The players played strong

The man of the match was Stuart Papworth

Where there was a gap Stuart was there to fill it up
Well done Stuart
Tristan keeps the back covered clearing the ball as a player he has improved his skills

All the players played like champs
Well done boys
You make us proud



Angela Lopes


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sportsmanship @ Rovers FC

In the pic, sportsmanship in actin
Rovers u/12 played against Alberton this past saturday during the All-in-One event held at Rovers ground and lost for 2-1.
The Goal was scored by Dean in a rebound kick.
Soon will post a game review from the coach side.


Its Goooaaaaaaal!

The Boys celebrate the only goal from the match.
Goal from Dean.


Ball Winning...




Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The winning formula...

The score keeps on mounting.
Rovers U/8 team played last Saturday against Bocksburg... and won 2x0.
The winning formula worked again. This was no different from the previous game against Springs, the tactics, opportunities, balls out...The boys could have won by a superb margin, if was not for the missed opportunities.
But life goes on!Important to say that both goals were scored by Jordan. The first was scored in the first ten minutes, and after long show of quality soccer, scored the second. (congratulations to the coach, you are polishing a diamond).


Watch us play here...


All-in-One Update

This is the promissed update of the All-in-One anounced last week.

U/7 Kick off 10:30- Home Alberton

U/8 kick off 9:30 – Home Benoni

U/11 kick off 11:30 - Home Score Metals

U/12 Kick off 9:30 - Home Alberton

Have in mind that food and beverage will be available on site.
Bring all your family and friends for a day of entertainment.


Fotos Rovers U/8 Team vs Bocksburg

Playing the ball to win

Listening wise words from Coach
Celebrating the winning...
