Monday, July 7, 2008

Shape Up Your Team

Shape up your team to defend all over the pitch Shapes are important in soccer. They happen all over the pitch, but you must make sure your players know how they work. Playing 3v3 matches shows you how to use triangles.

3v3 helps your players keep shape
Playing 3v3 brings up situations that often occur in 7-a-side or 11-a-side. It illustrates
how poor shape has an effect on the other players, making their own job much harder. The
triangular shape in midfield is very much something coaches can use to great effect all over
the pitch. But you must use it properly. Have a look at the diagrams and I'll show you what
I mean:

In the top diagram the white team have the ball and have to bring it out from their own
goal. The grey team has adopted the shape of a triangle, however, the middle player has
dropped back deep to protect his goal, in effect becoming a sweeper behind the other two
grey team players. This means that the white player bringing the ball out is unmarked and
can either directly attack straight down the middle or create 2v1 situations with his team
mates. The two grey wingers have a problem. Do they mark their player or go towards the man
with the ball.

A simple wall pass opens the path to goal
By moving away from the player they are marking they leave themselves open to a simple wall
pass and leave the goal at their mercy. If they stay, this creates a 1v1 directly in front
of their own goal. Or the white player can elect to move towards one of his teammates
creating a 2v1.

Problem for the man on the ball
In the bottom diagram the grey team is still in a triangle but the middle player has moved
up to the man on the ball. This gives the man on the ball an immediate problem as he tries
to bring the ball out. He is under pressure to pass the ball because he dare not dribble
past him. Passing is difficult so the grey team are more likely to win the ball. The grey
player can also force the player to pass one way or another by moving slightly to one side,
forcing a pass and allowing a grey team mate to intercept.

The difference in these two situations highlights not only how bad shape can make effective
team play more difficult, but also how important communication is. If you don’t explain how
it works young players might conclude that the situation in the first diagram is reasonable.
They can play like this for quite a while believing they are following your coaching, and
then blame one another for any mistakes that lead to goals.

Key coaching tip: Teach your players by showing them both these situations.

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